A joyful and interactive adaptation of Eric Hill’s beloved classic Happy Birthday Spot. Taking place from 14 – 16 March, The event invites children to join Spot and his friends for a celebration filled with songs, dancing, and party games. Presented in collaboration with Art For All, this lively performance is perfect for a family outing.
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Presenting a special evening full of unforgettable music and powerful emotions at Cultural Foundation, featuring the iconic Angham in an exclusive concert on Friday 14 February 2025. Recognized as one of the most accomplished and versatile artists in the Arab world, Angham has captivated audiences for decades with her powerful voice and unique blend of traditional Arabic music and modern pop elements.
Family-friendly entertainment with "Potted Potter", a hilarious, fast-paced retelling of all seven Harry Potter books in a single performancey. Presented in partnership with Outside The Box Events, this imaginative show will combine humour, interactive moments, and magical props to create a delightful experience for fans of all ages.
“The Lion Inside” tells delightful story of a shy little mouse who sets out on a journey to find his roar, which shows the children that everyone feels scared sometimes. This bestselling story about confidence & self-esteem. It is perfect for encouraging children to find their own voice. This event is in partnership with Art For All.